Los Angeles: Actor Chris Pratt, who will be next seen in "Jurassic World", says there was a time when he earned his living by playing the pet fat guy in movies and people saw right through him at Hollywood events.


The actor, who went through a body transformation, says people would hit at wife Anna Faris in front of him.

"I've had those moments where I was like the guy holding the purse at events and people just looked right through me. And, you know, actors come up and just blatantly hit on my wife in front of me and don't even look at me," Pratt told GQ.

"... Also, producers and studio people now who will come up to me and treat me the same way they were treating Anna. They're like, 'I always knew...' I'm like, 'Is that right?'"

The actor played sidekick roles in Hollywood movies before achieving the leading man status with 2014 hit "Guardians of the Galaxy".

"Typically, I was getting typecast as the bad boyfriend. The boyfriend of the girl who you hope ends up with the guy you like. That was my bread and butter for a long time... Looking back, I think I know why," Pratt said.