New Delhi: Filmmaker Subhash Kapoor says his next "Guddu Rangeela" is a tribute to the "iconic jodis of Bollywood like Jai-Veeru, Ram-Lakhan and Karan-Arjun".


The forthcoming movie, starring Arshad Warsi and Amit Sadh, is about two miscreants who land up biting more than they can chew and get into a big mess. 

The two characters are vibrant and are full of life. They run a village band called the Guddu Rangeela Orchestra Party and try and make their living by singing quirky songs that entertain the masses. 

"'Guddu Rangeela' is my tribute to the iconic jodis of bollywood like Jai-Veeru, Ram-Lakhan, Karan-Arjun etc. They are two loveble, funny and quirky underdogs. They are simple and vulnerable but very intense and gutsy when required," Kapoor said in a statement. 

"Guddu Rangeela" is set to release on July 3.