Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan seems to have outdone Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist- Aamir Khan- in implementing marketing techniques. The Badshah of Bollywood, who is gearing up to set the silverscreen ablaze with his next ‘Happy New Year’, directed by old friend Farah Khan, has initiated brand new ways to promote his film. After making the trailer of the film available on Whatsapp and an extravagant music launch, Red Chillies Entertainments Pvt Ltd has now come up with ‘Know the Indiawaale’ video series. And the first one in the series is about the youngest actor on board the film- Vivaan Shah. Check it out: According to the makers of the film, ‘Happy New Year’, starring Deepika Padukone, Shah Rukh Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Sonu Sood, Boman Irani and Vivaan Shah is the ultimate underdog story where a team of 'losers' , win the love of millions in their quest to pull off the biggest diamond heist ever! Slated to release this Diwali, ‘Happy New Year’ is one of the most anticipated films of the year.