New Delhi: Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui's upcoming film 'Freaky Ali' has already impressed the audience with its trailer. The Sohail Khan directorial also witnessed the presence of brother Salman Khan at its trailer launch event. But, did you guys know why the 50-year-old superstar is promoting the movie? Well, let us tell you.


"I requested bhai (Salman) to be part of the film so that we can promote the film, so that it reaches more people and grabs more eyeballs. When we thought of this event (trailer launch) for Sunday, we were told press (media) will not come. It was like if Salman Khan will come press will also come," PTI quoted Sohail as saying.

He also revealed that the 'Bhaijaan' of B-Town didn’t travel to Ladakh for the shooting of Kabir Khan's 'Tubelight' just to attend 'Freaky Ali' trailer launch. 

Aww! Isn’t he the sweetest!

The flick also features Amy Jackson, Arbaaz Khan and Nikitin Dheer. 'Freaky Ali' is slated to release on September 9 this year.