New Delhi: The much-talked about Sanjay Leela Bhansali film 'Padmavati' has an ensemble cast of Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor in the lead. However, this latest bit of goss about the film might actually make the fans of these actors a little sad.


According to, SLB's 'Padmavati' might get delayed. The rumour is strong that instead of their set release date of December 2017, it might release on December 2018—straight one-year leap!

Yes! The report states that although the director has full dates from these actors and the set is almost ready at Mehboob Studios, Mumbai—his eye or perfection and absolute keenness on detailing might push the release date forward.

But, on the other side, quotes a source as denying any such news. “This is highly improbable. The film will release next year. How can Deepika not have a release in 2017? This is all speculation.”

The shooting of the film has not begun, reportedly. However, no official word regarding the release date of the film has been made by the makers or the actors as yet.