Chennai, Jan 02: The chargesheet filed by Tamil Nadu police on December 30 against MDMK leader Vaiko and eight others under Pota, for their alleged pro-LTTE speeches at a public meeting in June last year, was taken on file by the designated Pota court at suburban Poonamalee today. Taking on file the chargesheet, designated Pota Judge L Rajendran fixed January 13 for furnishing copies of the voluminous chargesheet to the accused.
Vaiko was arrested on his arrival at Chennai airport on July 11 last year after a tour of the United States, while the others were arrested on July nine for pro-LTTE speeches at a public meeting at Tirumangalam in Madurai on June 29 last.
The 'Q’ branch of the state police has charged them under Section 21(2)(A) and 21 (3), read with 21(4) of Pota, for allegedly arranging, managing or assisting in arranging and managing meetings, knowing that these were to support the terrorist outfit. Bureau Report