Vatican City, Sept 27: Pope John Paul II appeared alert and relatively strong on Saturday at a meeting with the President of the Philippines, days after ill health led the pontiff to skip his weekly general audience. John Paul, who was attending a mass today for two deceased popes, held a 20-minute meeting with President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her entourage. Vatican officials helped John Paul to his feet, after which he shook the President's hand and then returned to his seat for the remainder of the meeting. The 83-year-old Pope's rare absence at Wednesday's general audience due to a mild intestinal problem raised fresh concerns about his health just weeks before he presides at ceremonies marking his 25th anniversary as Pope. Meanwhile, Italian news reports have said the Pope may name new cardinals tomorrow, thus allowing the new ``red hats'' to come to Rome at the time of the anniversary celebrations. By tradition, cardinals are installed about 30 days after their names are announced. Bureau report