United Nations, Oct 02: The Security Council today began debating a new US draft resolution on handing over power in Baghdad to Iraqis and giving the United Nations a larger role. Germany, which opposed the US-led invasion, gave a warm initial response but Paris reacted with a "no comment." Seeking to answer critics of the war, the draft said that "the day when Iraqis govern themselves must come quickly." It called on the US-led coalition running Iraq "to continue its practice of transferring as quickly as practicable effective and substantial executive responsibility."

In Berlin, a senior German government official said the draft represented progress, though more work was needed on defining a transfer of power to Iraqis and the future UN role in the country.
"I think the way things are moving we can be very optimistic," said the official on condition of anonymity. He underlined Germany's stand that a firm timetable is less important than a broad "road map" on restoring Iraqi sovereignty.

In Paris, foreign ministry spokesman Herve Ladsous said that the French were "attentively studying" the text.

"I have no comment at this stage and I refer you to our positions, which are well known," he told reporters.

Earlier this month, French President Jacques Chirac said that his government would not veto a new Iraq resolution and foreign minister Dominique de Villepin has praised a US commitment to have the Iraqis draw up a Constitution within six months.

Bureau Report