Washington, Sept 11: North Korea has developed a new intermediate-range ballistic missile capable of striking neighbouring countries but not the United States, a well-informed US government source has disclosed. The new weapon was described as a step-up from Scud and no Dong-type missiles, the mainstays of Pyongyang's arsenal, which are based on old Soviet-era technology and often lack accuracy.
But details about the new missile were scarce as US intelligence agencies continued to assess the system and search for more information. "The North Koreans have developed a new mobile intermediate-range ballistic missile," the source said on condition of anonymity. "And it's different than the Taepo Dong," which Pyongyang fired into the sea of Japan in 1998.
The source said the new missile was land-based, did not have the range to reach the United States and was designed "to complement" North Korea's existing arsenal. The Pentagon declined to confirm or deny the report late yesterday.
A South Korea newspaper reported Monday that the new missile had a range of up to 4,000 km, which is longer than the Taepo Dong-1, a missile that was test-fired over Japan in 1998, triggering an outcry around the world. Bureau Report