Toronto, July 03: The World Heath Organization removed Toronto from its list of places affected by SARS, and Canadian health officials vowed continued vigilance to avoid another outbreak of the pneumonia-like illness. The WHO decision, announced in Geneva yesterday, means only Taiwan remains on what once was a long list of countries reporting local transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in the previous 20 days.

It was the second time Canada's largest city came off the WHO list, and Ontario and city health officials said they learned their lesson after relaxing anti-SARS measures in May following an initial outbreak.

Unknown at the time, hidden SARS cases in a city hospital spread among health care workers no longer taking special precautions, causing a second outbreak.

"We've been told this once before. We're not going to celebrate just yet," said Dr Donald low, chief microbiologist at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Mayor Mel Lastman called yesterday's news "wonderful" and said health officials would remain on alert to prevent a recurrence of SARS in the city of 3 million.

"I know we're going to be very careful and do things right," he said by telephone from Italy.
Tanya Cholakov, spokeswoman for the Ontario provincial health ministry, confirmed that anti-SARS measures would continue indefinitely at Toronto area hospitals. The measures include tighter screening of patients exhibiting possible SARS symptoms, and protective garb including masks and gowns for health care workers at risk of handling SARS cases.

Bureau Report