New Delhi, July 22: Alarmed over high casuality rates in rail accidents, ministry of railways have directed its zonal offices to put in place an efficient disaster management communication system to save precious lives. The directive includes provision of one additional satellite phone for each zonal and divisional headquarters, besides an ISD connection to enable them to contact accident site, an official release said today. The ministry has also empowered the to hire cell phones for stranded passengers, it said, adding that 30 walkie talkie sets and two very high frequency set would be provided for all Accident Relief Trains (ART) at the Divisional Headquarters. The ministry plans to have arts at each and every Divisional Headquarters to deal with any eventuality.
The directives follow recommendations of the disaster management committee to improve rescue and relief measures following train accidents, the release said adding that this was intended to improve customer satisfaction of rail users.

Meanwhile, to improve rail safety, the ministry, has provided walkie talkie sets to drivers and guards of all trains to ensure effective and timely communication between drivers, guards and station masters.

In addition, vhf sets have been provided at all stations of broad gauge double and multiple line sections, an other official release said.

Bureau Report