Washington, July 22: A group of US lawmakers, led by democratic congressman Frank Pallone, has lashed out at DOW Chemicals for failing to address the extreme environmental and health problems created by the Bhopal gas tragedy, and demanded immediate reparation to the victims.
Pallone, co-founder of congressional caucus on India and Indian Americans, joined 17 of his house colleagues yesterday in requesting that Dow Chemical finally address the extreme problems created almost 20 years ago when the Union Carbide Corporation Plant in Bhopal leaked 40 tons of lethal gas.
They said Dow Chemical, which acquired Union Carbide Corporation in February 2001, had not yet addressed the liabilities it inherited and should immediately take steps towards reparations in Bhopal.
"In an effort to restore basic human rights to the people of Bhopal, my colleague Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and I are circulating a letter to the CEO of Dow Chemical asking that Dow take responsibility for the disaster it inherited in 1984 and that it cooperate in meeting the demands of its victims," Pallone said in a speech on the house floor in an attempt to convince more members to sign onto the letter.
"In addition, I plan on circulating an Amicus brief on behalf of the Bhopal victims who have year after year tried their cases in the US court system and who have been subject to unfair treatment, due to corporate favoritism," Pallone said.

"At that time, I will also ask my colleagues to join me in sending a message that the injustice cannot continue and that there is support in congress for holding accountable those that are liable for this horrific tragedy," he said.

Bureau Report