Yangon, June 11: Thousands of monks and laymen from 22 countries, including India, are expected to attend the World Buddhist Summit scheduled for the Myanmar capital in December 2004, an official said today. The summit, which takes place every two years, will be held at the Kaba Aye Pagoda in a northern Yangon suburb, the official of the ministry of religious affairs said on customary condition of anonymity.
The largest contingent of more than 1,000 representatives will come from the Japan Buddhist Association, said the official.
Other countries sending delegates are: India, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Britain, Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico , Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, United States and Vietnam.
The first summit was held in Japan in 1998, the second in Thailand and the third in Cambodia.
Gen. Khin Nyunt, the no. 3 leader in Myanmar's military government, said yesterday the summit will ``promote love, mutual understanding and cooperation among the Buddhist countries.''
Myanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country with more than 85 percent of its 52 million population following the religion. Bureau Report