Sydney, Nov 30: Thousands of anti-war demonstrators, including some Iraqi refugees, marched through Sydney today in protest against Australian involvement in a US-led military attack on Iraq. The rally was part of an Australia-wide campaign of protests organised by an alliance of left wing activists, Students and Trade Unions to try to shift public support for sending Australian troops to Iraq. Protests in Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Hobart today will be followed by rallies in Melbourne, Brisbane, Darwin and Perth tomorrow. Prominent members of Australia's Arabic and Muslim communities joined show business personalities, left-wing politicians, church figures and other community leaders at the Sydney rally. The number of protesters, including some of the anti-globalisation activists involved in a violent protest against a world trade organisation meeting here recently, was estimated at more than 10,000.

The Sydney protesters marched from the town hall to the domain public park where they were addressed by speakers.

The head of Australia's union movement, Australian Council of Trade Unions President Sharan burrow, told demonstrators that acts of terrorism could not be justified under any circumstances.

They had to send a clear message to Prime Minister John Howard that it was unacceptable for Australia to be dragged into a US-led attack on Iraq, she said.

"We must not confuse the need to rid ourselves of terrorism with a pre-emptive strike on Iraq," she said. "It's a threat to world peace that must be resisted."

Bureau Report