Amman, May 28: Representatives of Iraq's religious groups gathered today to discuss ways to rebuild bonds among their varied communities following the fall of Saddam Hussein. The two-day meeting brings together 60 religious leaders, including representatives of Iraq's Shiite and Sunni Muslims and the country's minority Christian community. Sheik Jalal al-Saghieer, representing Shiite Muslims, accused Saddam of oppressing some communities more than others. "All religious sects were oppressed, may be one more than the other," he said. "But Saddam managed to equally distribute his tyranny on all of us". Al-Saghieer made the comment on the sidelines of a meeting organised by the New-York based World Conference on Religion and Peace named "Rejecting violence and promoting peace with Justice," the meeting was hosted by Prince Hassan, the uncle of Jordan's King Abdullah II and a WCRP member.

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