US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld told NATO allies to prepare themselves for the threat of devastating nuclear, chemical and biological attacks on their biggest cities. He told a NATO defence ministers' meeting that the September 11 attacks on the world trade center and the Pentagon may in fact be a dim preview of what is to come if we do not prepare today to defend our people from adversaries of increasing power and range.
Without naming any states in particular, Rumsfeld said the list of countries that support global terrorism overlaps significantly With the list of those developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
US and NATO officials said the threat of terrorism, an ideas about ways that the Transatlanic Alliance can address it, dominated the start of the two-day meeting at NATO headquarters. It was Rumsfeld's first visit to NATO since September 11 and the Alliance's unprecedented invocation of its collective defence principle -- that the attack on the US was an attack on all the allies.
One NATO official said Rumsfeld did not come with a list of proposals for NATO action against terrorism, but rather sought to put the alliance spotlight firmly on the issue.
Bureau Report