Hyderabad, Oct 04: A steady stream of visitors continued to pour in today to inquire about the health condition of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu who survived an assassination bid by Naxalites at Tirupati on October one. Chief ministers -- S M Krishna of Karnataka and Om Prakash Chautala of Haryana -- met Naidu at his jubilee hills residence and wished him a speedy recovery, official sources said.
During his 15 minute meeting, Krishna advised Naidu to take complete rest for some more days before resuming work, the sources said.
"We felt happy seeing him (Naidu) fit. We pray for his speedy recovery," Krishna told reporters.
Replying to a question on naxalite menace, he said there is a need for more co-ordination among the states to tackle extremist activities.
Krishna was accompanied by his cabinet colleagues Mallikarjuna Kharge (home) and H K Patil (irrigation).
Earlier, Chautala called on Naidu and spent 20 minutes with him inquiring about his condition.
Later talking to reporters, Chautala strongly condemned the naxalite attack and said extremists are creating hurdles in the path of development and their activities deserved to be condemned by all. Bureau Report