New Delhi, July 24: A three-member defence committee has proposed de-classification of official documents relating to 1962 Sino-Indian, 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars and IPKF operations in Sri Lanka except some portions relating to Henderson Brook report on 1962 war. The committee headed by former defence secretary N N Vohra and also comprising lt Gen Satish Nambiar, Former Deputy Chief of the Army Staff and renowned historian Dr S N Prasad submitted its report on the issue to the defence minister George Fernandes today.

Though the defence ministry refused to divulge the recommendations made by the committee, which had been asked to examine files relating to these conflicts, highly placed sources said the committee had proposed that these war documents compiled as war history could be made public. However, on the issue of Gen Henderson Brook report, which went into the causes of 1962 Indian debacle on the Chinese front, the committee has left it to the discretion of the government whether or not to make the controversial report public.

The committee was set up in October 2001 following acceptance of the recommendations of the group of ministers on national security system on the de-classification of the war histories of the 1962 conflict, 1965 and 1971 and Indo-Pak war and the history of 'Operation Pawan' by Indian peacekeeping force in Sri Lanka.
Bureau Report