Colombo, Oct 16: Stung by remarks of External Affairs Minister Yashwant Sinha that India's economic interests were not under threat in Sri Lanka, President Chandrika Kumaratunga's top aide today sought "clarification" from the Indian High Commission here. Kumaratunga's Foreign Affairs Advisor, Lakshman Kadirgamar, asked High Commissioner Nirupam Sen about the remarks attributed to Sinha, the president's office said in a statement.
However, the statement did not contradict what Sinha had told reporters yesterday at the end of his two-day visit to the island.
Sinha had denied that Indian interests in Sri Lanka's embattled northeastern port district of Trincomalee were vulnerable to attacks despite allegations by Kumaratunga`s party that tiger rebels had set up bases that could hit Indians. "There is no threat as of now to Indian installations," Sinha had said. "I believe they are secure and they will remain secure."

Bureau Report