Taipei, Dec 02: Taiwan premier Yu Shyi-Kun today attempted to dampen down the row with China and denied a proposed "sovereignty" referendum was part of an independence drive. President Chen Shui-Bian raised the political temperature over the weekend by saying he would stage a poll on March 20 next year, the same day as the presidential ballot, in a move that angered Beijing.
But the premier told Parliament that Taiwan would not go back on five pledges made by Chen at his 2000 inaugural speech including not to declare independence, change Taiwan's name or promote a referendum to change the status quo.
"We don't want to contradict the 'five nos' commitment of the president by touching on the independence issue in any referendum," Yu told Parliament.
The promises were made with the precondition that "China has no intention to use military force against Taiwan," Yu said.
"Basically we need to set different agenda for referendums depending on the extent of the threat China is imposing on us.
"If China launches a military invasion against us, we will then hold a referendum on independence."
Bureau Report