Mumbai, Nov 20: The initial apprehension has given way to assured poise. Following the release of Khel , Celina Jaitley is ready - not only for Janasheen but also to secure a foothold in showbiz. Still, home is where her heart is. Even as the promos of Janasheen show her emerging from the sea in a bikini, Celina is reminded of her home in Bangalore, where her parents live.

"I am yet to come to terms with stardom. I have no personal life to speak of. It is a very high price to pay."

The notion that actresses breeze through one party after the other doesn't hold true in Celina's book. Check out the sound bytes: "People don't know that we hardly have time to do anything but shoot for films."

One foot in the reel world, one foot in the real world. "It isn't easy being an actress," Celina points out, "There was this moment in South Africa when I was mobbed by teenagers at a mall. They created such a racket that I had to run out of the store!"
A straight-talker who keeps her chin up, Celina concedes that there is plenty of competition in Bollywood. "But there is a secret in the industry," she adds, "There is enough work to go around -one just has to know which slot one fits into."

A brave actress. Or just plain common sense? Whatever it is, it's working. A promising future beckons. And Celina Jaitley is ready.