Report: Jayshri Shrivastav
The impossible task of blending past, present and future was very beautifully made possible by a unique show called “Fashion through the ages.” The top models like Tarun Raghavan, Aditi Govitrikar, Fleur Xaviers and many others walked the ramp and show cased fashion trends of bygone era, the present trend and also what the future has in store for us. Choreographed by eminent choreographer Sangeeta Chopra, the models sashayed down the ramp with as if they were brought live the Stone Age and disco years. The flower power and trends of 2020 AD were also floored. Unveiling of gigantic designer CD Millenium Shirt attracted lots of enthusiastic audience. This shirt was designed and created by Pooja Sadana (a student of NIFT, Ahmedabad), she was winner of ‘The millenium shirt contest’ which was held earlier amongst the top fashion institutes of the country. “The main objective of the function was to encourage the young talents in fashion world,” said Raju Daswani the organiser of the fashion show. The sparkling models, breathtaking music enhanced the glamour of show and made the show a marvellous hit. It really took the audience on most spectacular ride of ‘Fashion through ages’.