Washington, Oct15: Concerned over more than 200 hate crimes being reported against their community in the wake of the Sept 11 strikes, US-based Sikhs will organise a unique programme aimed at clearing misunderstandings about the world's fifth largest religion. Half a million Sikhs in the US will hold a "Reach Out to Neighbours" programme to clear misunderstanding about the religion, Sikh Council on Religion and Education (SCORE) said.

As Sikhs have a distinctive identity due to their turbans and beards, they were erroneously associated with al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, the organisers from SCORE said.
"Although Sikhs have resided and worked in this country for more than 100 years, the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks revealed that many Americans are ignorant of Sikh beliefs and their identity," the organisers said.
Sikh children were being victimised by their peers leading to tremendous psychological stress, they alleged.
A national event - 'Sharing Your Faith with Your Neighbours' - will be held on Nov 10 in association with more than 100 Sikh Gurdwaras in the US and it will coincide with the birth-anniversary of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, which is being celebrated from Nov 16-19, they said. Bureau Report