New Delhi, Nov 16: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati today said that there was no political instability in the state in the wake of dissident activities and claimed the BSP-BJP government enjoyed absolute majority as no MLA has withdrawn support to it.

"I see no political uncertainty. My government enjoys absolute majority as no MLA has given any letter of withdrawal of support to the governor," Mayawati told reporters here. Asked why she was not convening a special session of the state assembly to prove her majority, the Chief Minister said "Where is the question of convening such a session when the coalition enjoys absolute majority.”
Asked specifically whether the coalition has been reduced to a minority following the decision of nearly 20 MLAs to dissociate themselves from BJP, Mayawati shot back, "You are speaking Samajwadi Party language. No MLA has withdrawn support." When asked if no letter of withdrawal of support was submitted, then why BJP was seeking disqualification of its 12 MLAs, she said it was an internal matter of that party.
She refused to be drawn into controversy whether the dissidents were backed by senior BJP leader Rajnath Singh.

Asked if Monday's by-poll for the legislative council would be a litmus test for the coalition, she said, "No" as it were MLAs and not MLCs who matter in government formation.

Mayawati denied she ever talked about snap assembly polls in the state.
Bureau Report