New Delhi, Aug 27: BJP today said that the peace moves with Pakistan would not make any "meaningful progress" unless Pakistan immediately handed over the terrorists wanted by India and disbanded anti-India terrorist outfits operating from its soil. "Any further movement with regard to progress in normalising of relations with Pakistan depends on constructive action by Pakistan. It should immediately hand over to India people responsible for heinous crimes wanted by this country, who have taken refuge there," party president M Venkaiah Naidu told reporters here.

He demanded that Pakistan also disband terrorist outfits which were "getting cooperation from Islamabad."

Accusing Pakistan of being the nerve centre of the activities of terrorist outfits such as al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad, Naidu said though some countries were giving economic aid to Pakistan, it was doubtful whether it was being utilised for the development of the country or towards encouraging separatism and terrorism.
"Such terrorist activities are not only destructive for India but for the whole world," he said referring to the Mumbai blasts.

Bureau Report