Islamabad, Jan 11: In the wake of the recent abortive bids on the life of President Pervez Musharraf, Pakistani security agencies have revamped his personal security on the lines of that provided to an American President.
As per the new security arrangements, Musharraf's convoy would now comprise six identical limousines and the porch at his residence and office will be covered with thick curtains to prevent even his close security staff to see the vehicle he is getting in, The Nation reported.
Further, the convoy would leave in two different and separate formations.
As part of the stepped up security measures, a machine-gun-mounted military helicopter would provide security to Musharraf's motorcade from the air and police will erect steel fences on both sides of the road in different road junctions to prevent attackers from driving their vehicles into the convoy, the report said.
Musharraf has already been advised to move out from his Army House residence, the official residence of Pakistan Army chief in Rawalpindi, to the more secure Presidential palace house in Islamabad.
Officials believe that this would prevent regular travels for him between the insecure 20 km-long road between Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Bureau Report