Washington, Sept 03: Underlining the need for international participation in rebuilding war-ravaged Iraq, the United States said it would continue talks with the United Nations to find out ways to encourage more countries to participate in the process. "It is a long-term, major undertaking, and it is an international issue that requires an international response. And we are continuing to have those discussions with other countries. We are continuing to discuss this at the UN. The UN has a very vital role to play in this process," White House Press Secretary Scott Mclellan said yesterday.

Maintaining that the efforts in Iraq are critical to winning the war on terrorism, he said, "They (international community) have been playing a vital role. This is an effort by a coalition. We will continue to have discussions with the UN about additional ways we can encourage other countries to participate, as well." Thirty-one countries are already participating in the reconstruction of Iraq, said Mcclellan. "There are a number of other countries that we are in discussions with about ways that they can participate. I think a number of other countries have already committed to provide troops," he added.

The Iraqis, Mclellan said, were beginning to assume more responsibility for their country. "But this effort is going to be a major undertaking. It will require a substantial commitment of time and resources," he said.

On Afghanistan, he said, "We are making some important progress." But "you have enemies of peace and enemies of freedom, and enemies of the people of Afghanistan. That is why we are continuing our efforts to bring those Taliban members to justice." Bureau Report