New Delhi, Feb 12: Continuing its crackdown on bookies in Delhi, police here has arrested a couple for allegedly organising betting on the ongoing World Cup cricket matches, exposing second such case in three days. Tajinder Singh alias Ashu and his wife Prabh Simran Kaur were running a well-organised high-tech betting racket from their residence in Sreenivaspuri area of South Delhi and were nabbed when they were engaged in the illegal activity over the Australia-Pakistan match yesterday, joint commissioner of police (crime) U K Katna said. Incriminating materials showing illegal cricket betting amounting to crores of rupees were recovered from the premises along with four mobile phones, five MTNL telephones, two personal computers, a telephone recording system and a TV set used in betting, he said. Scrutiny of the documents revealed that on yesterday`s Australia-Pakistan match, the couple had indulged in betting worth Rs 12.5 lakh, Katna said.

On the South Africa-West Indies and New Zealand-Sri Lanka matches of the current World Cup, they had indulged in betting worth Rs 30 lakh and Rs 22 lakh respectively, he said.

The mobile numbers had been arranged in such a manner which were easy to remember.

In an effort to be absolutely secretive, they had desisted from employing anybody for assistance and carried out the operations by themselves, Katna said. Police nabbed them by planting a decoy after a tip-off.

This is the second such case during the current World Cup. Earlier on Monday, police had smashed another betting racket by arresting two persons.

Bureau Report