Mumbai, Dec 07: Noting that the government has accepted the Shiv Sena's suggestions on the manner of disinvestment of public-sector companies, the party leader and Union minister Balasaheb Vikhe-Patil on Friday said more than one route of disinvestment should be adopted to "arrest any chance of a monoply."
"The consensus arrived on divestment of PSUs is as per the letter that I had written to the PM. Our suggestions on issue of shares to the public and creation of a separate account for use of divestment proceeds in social purpose have been accepted", he told reporters at the sidelines of a seminar on capital goods here.

The heavy industry and public enterprises minister had questioned the Centre's divestment programme, saying that was encouraging monopolies in the economy.
Vikhe-Patil said he was never against the divestment programme. "We are all a part of the NDA government, but all we had pointed out was that the privatisation through strategic sale could create monoploy, and such a scenario should be prevented".
Without mentioning either BPCL or HPCL, the minister said divestment of a PSU through issuance of shares to the public was a new model and the government should try and implement separate models for different cases.
The controversy surrounding divestment in two oil PSUs was resolved on Thursday night with the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his colleagues reaching a consensus formula. HPCL will be divested by inviting bidders and the more cash rich BPCL through IPO. Bureau Report