New York, Sept 25: A wide range of issues, including Iraq and the situation in Afghanistan, came up for discussion in a meeting between US Secretary of State Olin Powell and Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
The situation in Iraq came up for discussion during the meeting yesterday where Powell emphasised that the US was not a colonial power and would vacate Iraq as soon as power is transferred to the Iraqi people, Kasuri said briefing the media on the proceedings of the meeting.
On Afghanistan, he said Powell informed that efforts were underway to help write the constitution, bring about democracy and transfer power to the people.
The Secretary of State appreciated Pakistan for helping secure peace and stability in Afghanistan, he said.
He said Pakistan reiterated its stand that it fully supports the Bonn process and the presidency of Hamid Karzai "We feel that a stable Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan".

Kasuri later attended a meeting of the E-10 non-permanent members of the security council besides participating in the foreign ministers meeting of US, EU, and neighbouring countries of Afghansitan to discuss the situation in the country.

Bureau Report