Washington, Oct 04: Claiming that the US was making steady progress in Iraq, President George W Bush today said Washington would keep its promise to fully return government to Iraqi people as soon as possible. Warning that transition to self-government is a "complicated process, because it takes time to build trust and hope after decades of oppression and fear", he said "yet we are making steady progress and we will keep our promise to fully return Iraq's government to Iraq's people as soon as possible", he said in his weekly radio address.
Referring to the progress made in training the new Iraqi police and armed forces, Bush claimed men and women of the coalition know their mission.
"They know," he said, "that we are fighting terrorists in Iraq so that we will not have to face them and fight them in the streets of our own cities. "Our forces know that a secure and sovereign Iraq will be a setback for terrorists, and an inspiration to all who dream of freedom in the Middle East. And the world can be certain, this essential mission in the war on terror will be completed." Bureau Report