New Delhi, Feb 17: Expressing that the security situation around the country was "fluid", defence minister George Fernandes today said his ministry would seek a hike in the defence budget. "It is not only our hope, but our wish that the armed forces budget increase continues to be upward to meet the pressing need for modernisation", he told a news agency on the sidelines of a function to award the best marching trophies for this year`s Republic Day parade.
In an apparent indication that some of the major defence deals in the pipeline could be struck before the end of the current financial year, the defence minister, when asked if his ministry would surrender funds earmarked for capital outlay, said "there is still time left for capital outlay projects to go through".
There are also a number of other armament purchases specially for Radars, sensors, tank mounted howitzers pending clearance.
On the infiltration across the line of control in Jammu and Kashmir, the defence minister said it was going on with the numbers fluctuating.
Bureau Report