New Delhi, May 28: The tourism industry's problems following the Iraq war and the SARS epidemic notwithstanding, the adventure tourism sector in India continues to grow, those in the industry say.
According to adventure tour operators of india (ATOAI), the apex body of adventure tour operators, the sector registered a growth of over 20 per cent last year and claims that the figure would double this year.
"There is a big shift in the way people want to spend their holidays. There were times when people wanted to relax. But now they want to be close to activity even during tours and adventure tourism has been the biggest winner in this scenario," says Capt Swadesh Kumar, former president of ATOAI.
Pointing out that adventure tourism provides "thrill without risk", Kumar says even those in their 50s are taking this route.
"In the adventure tourism sector itself soft adventure or comfort trekking, which provides the luxury of a holiday and an experience of trekking, is the most growing segment," he notes, adding those people who do not want to undergo the strain of hectic trekking but still want to be close to activity were going for this option in a big way.

Bureau Report