United Nations, May 07: Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar has called on the UN Security Council to draw up a world list of terrorist groups similar to the list used to crack down on Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. But, in a speech to a public meeting of the Council, Aznar did not specify any movement he wished to see included on the list.
Aznar is expected to ask the for the Spanish Basque movement Batasuna to be included on a US State Department list of international terrorist organisations when he meets President George W Bush at the White House today.
"Terrorism is not a matter concerning this or that country. It concerns us all, it is trans-national," Aznar told the Security Council yesterday.
"We must re-think the phenomenon of terrorism and the security architecture, both national and international, that we have been constructing in order to combat it."
Last month, Spain took over the chairmanship of the Council's counter-terrorism committee from Britain.
Aznar also recommended that the council set up "an institutional mechanism" to allow the victims of terrorism to "speak and bear witness" through the United Nations.
He gave no details and his speech contained no other specific proposals. Bureau Report