Washington, Sept 27: After his week-long diplomatic efforts yielded no pledges of support for Iraq, President George W Bush today again called on the nations of the world to help in the US' efforts in Iraq, observing that there can be no neutral ground in the war between terror and freedom. Making a special pitch for Iraq, Bush warned in his weekly radio address: "if freedom and progress falter in the Middle East, the region will continue to export violence that takes lives in America and around the world." In the struggle between terrorist killers and peaceful nations, there is no neutral ground. All nations must join in confronting this threat where it arises -- before terrorists can inflict even greater harm and suffering, he said. "And all nations should stand with the people of Afghanistan and Iraq as they build a future based on freedom and democracy," Bush said.
The US President said Iraq's new leaders are showing the openness and tolerance that democracy requires -- and also the courage. "Yet every young democracy needs the help of friends. America is providing that help to Iraq, and all nations of goodwill should do their part, as well."

"Earlier this week, I spoke at the United Nations -- which has become, like our country, a target of terrorism... I expressed America's determination to fight and win the war on terror -- for the safety of our own people and for the benefit of all mankind," he said.

Bush said the US is now working with friends and allies on a new Security Council resolution which will expand the UN's role in Iraq.

Bureau Report