Kathmandu, Nov 02: The Saarc inter-governmental expert group today finalised the draft of Saarc Social Charter to be presented at the council of ministers' meeting for endorsement during 12th summit of the regional grouping to be held in Islamabad in January next year. Senior government officers of the seven member countries of Saarc including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka participated in the meeting which concluded today, Foreign Ministry sources said.
The Saarc Social Charter includes matters relating to population management, poverty alleviation, youth mobilization and development of human resources in the region.
During the meeting, experts of the seven nations discussed issues relating to women's empowerment, child welfare, education, health and poverty reduction in the region.
The meeting also directed all the governments of the Saarc member states to include the social charter in their action plans for the upliftment of women, youth and children of the region.
Presiding over the two-day meeting Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Women and Social Welfare Shyam Sundar Shrestha hoped that the endorsement of the Saarc Social Charter will add a new dimension in social mobilization and social security in the region.
Bureau Report