Islamabad, Aug 29: Exiled former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto today accused President Pervez Musharraf of hyping tensions with India ever since he took over power in a military coup in 1999. "Pakistan-India tensions mounted ever since Gen Musharraf took over power in a military coup in 1999", Bhutto said addressing a tele-press conference from London.
"Ever since Musharraf usurped power, Pakistan and Ondia came close to a war three times", she said adding that the bomb blasts in Mumbai hightened the tensions further between the two countries. Bhutto had on Wednesday hinted at the involvement of Musharraf in the twin blasts as his attempt to deflect mounting international pressure on him to capture terror mastermind Osama bin Laden. "It is significant to note that whenever there is pressure to arrest laden, Pakistan's border with India becomes tense", she had said in a statement.

She said "a report in the guardian of august 23 that Musharraf was under increasing international pressure to capture laden coincided with the Mumbai blasts".

Bhutto said at the tele-press conference that short sighted policies pursued by Musharraf on the external front has led to Afghanistan developing good relations with India.

The former prime minister said she favoured sending of troops to Iraq but only under the umbrella of the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Conference or the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Bureau Report