Kochi, Sept 24: Sharpening his attack on forces supporting terror from across the border, Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani today described ISI, a limb of the state of Pakistan, as "more dangerous" than al Qaeda or Taliban.
"I wish the world became acutely aware of the fact that for India, ISI which is a limb of the state of Pakistan, is more dangerous than al Qaeda or Taliban", he told reporters onboard a special aircraft to Kochi.
The Deputy Prime Minister said while the whole world had become acutely aware of terrorist organisations like al Qaeda and Taliban particularly after the September 11 terror attacks in the US, "there is still lack of realisation that state- sponsored terrorism is worse than terrorist organisations".
Advani expressed disappointment over the "faiure" of US President George W Bush to mention India as a terror victim in his UN General Assembly speech. "Indian people have expressed disappointment over the US failure to take note of terrorism being faced by India", Advani said.

He was replying to a question on bush mentioning Bali, Casablanca, Riyadh, Jakarta and Jerusalem as places which were victims of terrorism but making no reference to India.


Advani said the "admission" by a Pakistani minister about the presence of underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim in Karachi only confirmed what has been denied by Islamabad for so long.

Bureau Report