Mumbai, Nov 16: Greenpeace activists have demanded the prosecution of ''criminals'' who have dumped the hazardous waste at Alang ship-breaking yard in Gujarat and expressed surprise on the proposed action against Greenpeace's International crew of campaigning vessel rainbow warrior.

Greenpeace activists were reacting against the reports that the Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) has sought help from navy and customs to arrest the international crew of rainbow warrior, following their expose of a British company that is dumping hazardous and toxic waste at Alang, in clear contravention of Indian and international laws.
Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior is anchored off Alang and Bhavnagar for last two days, to bear witness and document toxic materials aboard ships-for-scrap, which leads to adverse impact on the fragile aquatic environment.
''It is well known that huge amounts of hazardous substances are being illegally dumped on the beaches and the sea near the ship breaking yards'', Greenpeace officials said.
''Instead of taking action against criminal companies and governments that are using our shores as dumping grounds for ''toxic waste'' in a clear contempt of the supreme court directives, i am surprised that the Gujarat authorities have chosen to target Greenpeace. We are an environmental watch-dog group, we have exposed the shocking behaviour of the UK government and the ship-owner. Clearly there are vested interests at work, when authorities choose to ignore the criminals and go after the witnesses'' said Ananthapadmanabhan, executive director, Greenpeace India.
On November 12, 2003, rainbow warrior arrived at Alang on the first leg of its 'corporate accountability tour of India' to find that a UK ship 'Genova Bridge' had beached at Alang, laden with toxic substances like PCBs, asbestos, waste oil sludge, TBT.
Genova Bridge, was beached on November 09, 2003 even as the British authorities refused to give permission to US naval ships (the controversial ghost fleet) for scrapping on their shores following environmental concerns raised by public, environmental organisations and the authorities themselves.
Bureau Report