New Delhi, Apr 24: Accusing Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of lowering the dignity of his office and adopting double standards on various issues, including his remark that nobody listened to him, Congress today suggested he should take retirement. "The Prime Minister is continuously lowering the dignity of his office. He is the first Prime Minister to say that nobody listens to me. In his presence, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray used foul language against Sonia Gandhi and he kept mum. His deliberate silence only shows his hypocrisy. Our suggestion is that he should retire on his own," party spokesman Abhishek Singhvi told reporters here.
Taking a dig at Vajpayee's announcement at a public meeting that he would remove corruption during the next five years, he alleged the Prime Minister in his six-year tenure had only "encouraged corruption" and "it is cruel joke on the people when he talks about corruption."
He also accused him of adopting double standards on various issues specially on containing corruption. "I will request him to render only poems instead of playing cruel jokes on the people. This is continuously harming the interests of the nation," he said. Bureau Report