Hong Kong, Sept 17: Hong Kong health authorities raised a SARS alert today and isolated seven male patients who had developed symptoms of the deadly virus. The alert, the first stage of a new three-tier SARS warning, was issued after patients at the territory's Castle Peak Hospital were moved to an isolation ward at Tuen Mun Hospital with high fever and upper respiratory tract infections, a hospital authority spokeswoman said.
Initial tests and X-rays showed their lungs were normal and their conditions were stable, she said.
Two early tell-tale signs of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are a high fever and a dark shadow that is visible in the lungs during X-rays -- a possible indication the virus is attacking the respiratory system.
"Further tests for all viruses, including SARS, are being undertaken," the spokeswoman said.
Following the alert, Castle Peak has stopped the intake of new patients and suspended visiting arrangements.
Other patients and hospital staff have shown no sign of infection, the spokeswoman added.
Yesterday, a 34-year-old Hong Kong woman suspected of having SARS was cleared by health officials, easing fears of a re-emergence of the disease which killed nearly 300 people in the territory earlier this year.
Three-tier alert mechanism was recently introduced to allow hospitals to adopt appropriate measures in accordance to the level of the alert. Bureau Report