United Nations, Apr 29: India has firmly told the UN Security Council that it would not accept any norm or standard which is not in its national interests, infringes on its sovereignty or is within jurisdiction of its Parliament. In a letter to the Council shortly before it adopted a resolution yesterday to prevent Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into hands of non-state entities and terrorists, Indian UN ambassador Vijay Nambiar expressed full support and "unwavering" commitment to global efforts for preventing the proliferation of WMDs and their means of delivery.

But simultaneously he questioned the tendency of the 15-member Council to assume legislative and treaty making powers on behalf of the international community, binding on all states, "a function not envisaged in the United Nations charter." India, he said, has taken note of the co-sponsors that the resolution does not prescribe adherence to treaties to which a state is not a party.

"India cannot accept any obligations arising from treaties that India has not agreed or ratified," he asserted, pointing out that the position is "consistent" with the fundamental principles of international law and the law of treaties.

Bureau Report