Washington, Oct 27: Taking a middle position between those who object to the Israeli fence and those justifying it, US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said that he does not object to the fence to the extent it is on Israeli property, but it could be "troublesome" if the fence goes deeply into Palestinian areas. "We are in consultations with the Israelis. We are concerned about it. It is one thing to put up a security fence , a barrier that is clearly on your property the dividing line, so to speak in order to protect yourself. And that would be understood," he said. "But as the fence goes deeply into Palestinian areas and starts to put more and more Palestinians outside of their normal traffic patterns and being able to get to their fields and farms and work places, and as it seems to prejudge what a future Palestinian state might look like, then that's troublesome to us. And we have to get into deeper consultations with the Israelis about their intent and the purpose of this fence," Powell added. Bureau Report