New Delhi, July 17: The government today ruled out early resumption of full cricketing ties with Pakistan saying restoration of sporting relations would be possible only when the atmosphere was "congenial". Though the government has cleared the junior teams to play against Pakistan, Sports Minister Vikram Verma said bilateral cricketing relations at the senior level would have to wait till the situation improved further.
"There is no need of taking the initiative by us because when there will be a favourable atmosphere, sport activities will also resume," Verma said on the sidelines of a two-day national seminar. Verma said former Test cricketer Chetan Chauhan had submitted a proposal to invite veteran Pakistani cricketers to play here with their Indian counterparts, before full cricketing ties were restored.
"We have received the proposal and the matter is under consideration," he said. Encouraged by the recent peace initiatives by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Indian cricket board had made a formal request to the government for resumption of cricketing ties with Pakistan to avoid being "isolated" in international cricket.
Both Indian and Pakistan boards have proposed to resume ties by playing a one-day match on home and away basis in September but the proposal is yet to get clearance.
Pakistan last toured India in 1999 while India have not undertaken a tour of that country since 1989. The latest cricket exchange between the neighbours was a World Cup match on March 1 in South Africa. Bureau Report