New Delhi, Sept 12: A Delhi Court today sentenced four men, including a Pakistan national, to four-and-a-half years' imprisonment for collecting and passing on documents relating to defence matters of India thought to be useful to an enemy country. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate K S Pal found the convicts - Mohammed Shaheen (Pakistani), Sanaullah Khan alias doctor, Ahsan Ahmed and Sanaullah Khan alias Manna - guilty of conspiring against safety/interest of India to obtain those restricted documents which comes under the purview of Official Secrets Act.

However, the quartet will walk free as the magistrate took a soft stand saying "although in such type of offences no leniency should be shown, but keeping in view the circumstances of the case and also the fact that they voluntarily pleaded their guilt, I am of the view that they should be given a chance to reform themselves.

"The accused have already suffered much by remaining in jail for four-and-a-half years and it is sufficient to teach them a lesson not to indulge in such illegal activities against sovereignty and integrity of the country," the court held. The special cell of Delhi Police said they had received information that Shaheen was in conspiracy with a few persons in India for threatening the safety of the country and was obtaining the secret documents.

Bureau Report