Paris, Mar 01: The chief executive of Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, ruled out major acquisitions in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro , saying the group was interested in small deals. Asked if Nokia would be interested by French communications equipment maker Alcatel or its mobile phone division, Jorma Ollila said in an interview released on Sunday ahead of Monday publication: "No. We have not engaged in discussions and we don't see major acquisitions ... We are just interested in small technology purchases to complete our competencies."

When asked about the possibility of mergers between telecommunications equipment makers, Ollila noted overcapacity among manufacturers and intense competition, saying he did not expect a merger in the near term.

"I think that, from the point of view of the operators, to offer the best technology, it would probably be preferable if a reduced number of suppliers stayed in the race," Ollila said. "But I'm not expecting, short-term, a merger."

Ollila also said Nokia would announce the third generation mobile telephone in the second half of this year.

Bureau Report