New Delhi, Sept 16: Civil aviation ministry has upheld the order of air india management de-recognising the Indian Pilots Guild (IPG), but asked the airline to restore the flying duties of those pilots who had been grounded for participation in the strike in April this year. Civil Aviation Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy passed an order to this effect last evening backing the AI stance that the IPG, by issuing directives to member-pilots in April not to fly to certain destinations due to the SARS scare and the Iraq war, had caused substantial loss to the airline and tarnished its image.

Ministry sources said Rudy, however, asked AI to review any disciplinary action taken against the agitating pilots within a week of the order and ensure that no undue harassment was caused to the de-recognised IPG members. The order also asked the AI to restore the flying duties of those members who were grounded due to their participation in the "illegal" strike.

The AI's order stopping the IPG from using the office facilities was also upheld in the order.

According to Rudy's order, the sources said, the IPG had not only behaved irresponsibly but also attempted to hold the organisation to ransom. Bureau Report