Shimla, May 27: The possession and display of scheduled captive animals, animal articles, trophies without registration would be a cognizable offence attracting fine and imprisonment, the chief wild life warden, Himachal Pradesh A K Gulati said today. The registration would be done by chief wildlife warden by October 15, 2003 while four complete set of applications in four complete sets on prescribed forms would also be received by local wildlife wardens who were being declared authorised officers for this purpose, he added.
The authorised officer would verify the facts mentioned in the application and conduct a detailed enquiry and would be authorised to enter the premises of the persons specified in the act.
Further, a round stamp giving all the details and serial number of article would have to be affixed on the scheduled wildlife animals and trophies and no person would be allowed to counterfeit any identification mark mentioned in the registration certificate or the stamp.
Bureau Report