Mumbai, May 29: The gunning down of the deputy commandant of CISF, A Karanjekar, by his junior on Saturday night was nothing less than a "cold blooded murder" that had been planned and meticulously executed, according to a senior police official. "Though CISF jawan Ramnarain Namdeo would like the media to believe that he had resorted to killing his senior to avenge the harassment meted out to him and his colleagues, there appears to be little truth behind the claim", the officer told a news agency here today. "Investigations have revealed that Namdeo had never applied for leave as claimed by his family and that he had availed of 20 days' leave recently and hence his grievance of unsanctioned leave appears to be a weak one", he said. "He had also faxed a message about the harassment to certain television channels days before the actual act. His careful planning on day of the act also goes to prove that it was not one that had been provoked on the day of the incident or that he had acted at the spur of the moment", he added. "According to the police, it is nothing but a case of pure cold-blooded murder and should be dealt as one", he said. Bureau Report