Islamabad, Aug 12: The US has decided to send a high-level audit team to Pakistan to look into New Delhi's complaint that Islamabad had spent some of the USD 600 million of American aid to boost its defence preparedness in its current military stand off with India. The US government was cautioned by India that the aid given by Washington to support its war against terror in Afghanistan could be diverted to defence expenditure, sources were quoted as saying by daily 'The News'.
"The Indian government had expressed reservations that this money could be diverted to defence spending. The US had assured the Indian government that this money would not be spent on defence related expenditures", the sources said.
Following the Indian objections, Washington had strictly told Islamabad to spend that money only on projects of social development.

"Now the US authorities seem dissatisfied with the use of this money and wants to confirm that it was not used on defence", it said adding the US got reports that some of it had been diverted to boost defence preparedness in the continuing eyeball to eyeball stand-off with India.
"It was on Indian complaints that Pakistan had diverted the money that the US had decided to send a high-level audit team. Islamabad will find it very uncomfortable to open all its books to US accountants", it quoted Pakistani officials as saying. Bureau Report